3aIT Blog

Version 2.5 of our go-to CMS for most major website projects, Joomla, is approaching end-of-life. From 31st December 2014, this version of Joomla will no longer be supported. This means that any security issues found will no longer be patched, and extensions will no longer be developed for this version.

Cloud-based file storage services such as iCloud, Dropbox and Google Drive offer a very easy way to make your important files available to you from wherever you wish to access them. Whether you’re using a desktop machine in your office, a phone at home, or a laptop on the other side of the world, your files are always available to you.

A lot of people wouldn’t be able to tell you what internet browser they use despite the fact that they spend huge amounts of each day using it. Some may not even be aware what exactly a browser is (it’s the thing you click on to get onto the internet). Historically, there were big differences between the various web browsers, and distinct reasons to pick one over the other.

Microsoft have just revealed their new operating system - Windows 10. No, we don't know what happened to Windows 9 either! Nonetheless, the main aim of this new operating system will be to create a single interface that will work across many devices - desktop machines, tablets, mobiles, and even Xbox consoles. There will be a single app store that will service all of these machines.

Last week, a vulnerability (codenamed "Shellshock") was found in a tool called "Bash". This programme is installed by default on millions of machines, especially servers. Bash is a command line interface that is frequently used as the primary point of access to do carry out whatever tasks need performing on these machines.

According to emerging reports, there has been a major flaw found in the web browser that comes as standard in millions of Android devices. If exploited, this vulnerability would allow an attacker to view other websites that the browser may also currently be accessing.

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