3aIT Blog

In "It was only a matter of time" news this month, it has transpired that an Amazon Echo recorded a conversation a couple were having and sent it on to a 3rd party. The couple in question were entirely unaware that this had happened. What went wrong?

Microsoft have announced that the next Windows 10 feature update will start rolling out to users from today (April 30th). This will bring several new features to Windows 10 machines. This blog just gives a quick overview with links to more detail, and also how to temporarily postpone receiving this update if necessary.

Remember when your PC was brand new and it seemed to respond instantly to every request? And now there's some days you're lucky if it even acknowledges that you've even asked it to do something? Our HowTo this months suggests some steps you can take to try and give your machine a bit of a speed boost.

BT is continuing to forge ahead with plans to switch off all landline communcation by 2025. While many younger readers may barely know what a landline is, there will still be those of us that still use a phone attached to the wall at home sometimes - even if only to ring the mobile to find out where you left it! For anyone that is still using one as a matter of course, the landline's days are numbered...

Recent research by W3techs has revealed what powers the top websites in the world. Unsurprisingly, Wordpress was the clear leader. However, the data did contain a few surprises. We take a look at what the research reveals.

We've all been there - you're right in the middle of something very important, and then Windows decides that it's a great time to update your PC. While disabling updates entirely is hugely inadvisable (and very difficult by design), it is possible to get Windows to try to apply at more convenient moments. This month's HowTo delves into the Windows 10 update options.

While the SSD drives that are supplied as standard with most devices these days are great at speeding up loading times compared to the bulky magnetic drives, they do currently tend to be a lot smaller. While storing your files on network file shares or cloud services like Dropbox or OneDrive can help to take the strain off of your own device, it's all too easy to fill it up anyway. Our HowTo this month will demonstrate some steps you can take to try and free up some space.

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