3aIT Blog

Did you know that a recent WhatsApp update opted everyone into being able to be added into a WhatsApp group by anyone by default - even if you don't know them? Have you ever reviewed your WhatsApp privacy settings? If the answer to either of these is no, this month's HowTo is for you.

Some of you may remember the Little Britain sketch from a few years back. A question is asked of someone at a computer, that person taps away for a bit then says "computer says no" as the end of the discussion, regardless of the answer it has given and the question that has been asked. This actually touches on a very important point with topical significance that we will explore this 3a-Analysis blog.

A new feature has been added into Outlook that offers a neat solution to a perennial problem. Rather than forwarding an email on to internal team members to ping back and forth, cluttering up inboxes in the process, it's now possible to share that email via Teams for a "live" internal discussion. This blog explains how to use this new facility.

As regular readers will know, Microsoft have been releasing twice-yearly feature updates for Windows 10 for some time now, and this isn't changing any time soon. We have covered what to expect from each of these released so far, so with the spring update due soon, what changes should we expect to find this time?

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